Friday, June 22, 2012


I have the world's most talented sister in law.  Her name is Jill and she can make anything, she is especially good at blankets.  I have a lot of "Jill Blankets" as I call them and I thought I would share their adorableness with you. :)

This is a blanket she made for my little Gabe one year for Christmas. Come on! how cute is that?!

This was our wedding gift! LOVE IT!

Summer!!! We asked for this for Christmas, and have a winter one with snowflakes that is AMAZING, but I will add those photos later because I don't have one currently.
I am super excited because I have commissioned her to make one for sweet Piper, that will be purple and gray and I am certain will be completely AWESOME! Stay tuned for more Jilly wonderfulness.