P.S Piper's photos will come in a separate post, since I can't access them right now.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Ok, so I am terrible at updating my blog, but I am going to attempt to be better. I can not believe how busy I have been lately, it seems there is something going on all of the time. How do you ever get caught up?! Between work, spring cleaning, car repairs, kids, and a tiny bit of sleep, I don't think I can fit anything else in. I am trying to be better at updating my blog though, mostly for me as a journal of sorts. I hope that I don't bore you, but I suppose if I do, you can just ignore me :). I can't believe how big my baby girl Piper is getting, she is now 14 months old and walking running everywhere. A couple of weeks ago she randomly decided to give sommersaults a try and can actually do them! I really think she may become a gymnast, Olympics here we come. She is super tough (you have to be with Gabriel as a big brother), she will smack her head on something or fall down and she reaches up and rubs her head really hard and just keeps on going. I laugh everytime, it is just so adorable. I hope she ends up making it out of babyhood because I swear she knocks that beautiful little (ok, huge) noggin of hers on something, EVERYDAY! I love watching her with her big brother, he adores her, and she him. She laughs at his silliness just as much as Jared and I do. She copies everything he does, and follows him around. He shows off for her, and they are just 2 little peas in a pod. I got some pictures done of her for her 1st birthday and she was crankier than she has pretty much ever been, which was crazy because at her 6 month photos she smiled in literally EVERY frame. I was pleasantly surprised that we got as many great photos, as we did. I will post some here. Piper is the sweetest, most loving little girl around, and I am so very blessed to be her mommy. Whatever I did in the Pre-Earth life, I must have done something right for the Lord to have given me these two amazing spirits. I am also so very grateful for my sweet Jared, he is so good to me, even when I don't deserve it. We have gotten to go an a few dates recently, something that we weren't able to do for a long time when he was working because his schedule was so inconvenient. Dates are great!:) We doubled the other night with a couple friend of ours, the Haywards and had a blast. Angelica and I used to work at Skywest together and got to be good friends when we ended up being pregnant at the same time TWICE! We have SO much in common and I feel she is an answer to my prayers, I have prayed for a long time for a dear friend who shares my beliefs and values, but that I could also share fun with my kids, and joke with. I found all of those things and more in her. She is loving and kind, and we have a blast together. I am feeling just so very blessed as of late, as I have gotten a group of moms that I can spend time with who have become very dear friends, Angelica, Hanni, and Noanoa, I have a wonderful husband, and the 2 best kids a mom could ask for. Heavenly Father is good and very, very, kind. I just needed to put my thanks down in print, I find that it helps me to be more grateful, and avoid taking my many blessings for granted when I do. Thanks for reading, I hope for more to come...but I wouldn't hold my breath, as it may be a while ;)
P.S Piper's photos will come in a separate post, since I can't access them right now.
P.S Piper's photos will come in a separate post, since I can't access them right now.
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